Thursday, April 22, 2010

Oatmeal vs Oatmilk , day 3 of my diet hell & Wayne finds an apartment @Asok with Uni girls sunbathing and partying by the pool

Never ask your Thai wife to buy you oatmeal breakfast cereal , Usually oatmeal is a staple for a dieters breakfast , you know it kinda tastes like horse feed , is full of complex carbs , is slowly digested and gives u a feeling of fullness for many hours after consumption , a perfect food choice for breakfast.
I was absolutely sure she understood what I meant , she had seen me consume it before , she even described feeding it to our son , I was fairly confident that she was gonna get the right thing , so when she came home after supermarket shopping and handed me a UHT container of oat milk I was kinda flabbergasted , the worst thing was she actually saw exactly what I wanted , decided to abandon that plan of action and get the oat milk anyway , So I'm now enjoying my oat milk.


I think I dreamt about thick cut chips last night , you know the kind ya mum used to make , so crunchy on the outside but fluffy and light on the inside , the kind they served at real fish and chip shops in the 70s and 80s .
Yes I'm starting to feel carb deprived ,when you cut out all bread , rice , pasta and sweets that's what happens , the vegetables and nuts and legumes just don't give you the same feeling , but on the other hand you stop feeling bloated , uncomfortable and you actually can feel your body changing .

My diet for today
  • Breakfast  5 egg white omelet 1 yolk , cherry tomatoes and some full fat Gouda cheese , 3 cups of coffee , 1 glass of Oat milk .
  • Protein shake , water and Ice
  • Tuna Subway Salad with extra can of Tuna
  • Protein shake and some cream cheese and nuts
  • Beef steak , asparagus and snow pea stir fry
  • Protein Shake , water and Ice
The agent told Wayne that the new apartment he was moving into today had a rooftop pool that the Thai Uni girls that inhabit the building Sunbathe and party there every weekend . Ive lived in Thailand for 2 years and have been coming here for more than 10 and Ive never actually seen a Thai girl willingly take sun , let alone bathe in it. Never trust real estate agents.
She's heading up to the pool now Wayne , as soon as she can find it

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